Meet Bill Vogel,
Director, In Memoriam
After four decades as a software senior sales executive working with the C-level executives at Fortune 1000 companies, Bill decided to switch gears in a big and very personal way. He decided to take his weight and his health into his own hands and started following a low-carb, low-sugar diet. Ultimately, through his own experimentation and research on the topic, he discovered Mark Sisson and Primal Health and has been following the formula ever since. He attributes the Primal Health lifestyle to helping him recover from bouts with both leukemia/non-Hodgkins lymphoma and a severe case of pneumonia in 2016. With his cancer now in remission and fully recovered from pneumonia, Bill is in the best shape of his life.
Throughout his battles and successes with his own health, Bill has learned enough to pass along his knowledge and expertise to others. He’s retired from software sales and has become a certified health and longevity coach for men and women over 50. He specializes in helping people lead their healthiest and happiest lives through a combination of healthy nutrition, exercise, and positive feedback.
Bill unexpectedly passed away at the age of 66 in November 2022.